Module nesm

NESM is a tool that generates serialization and deserialization code for a given object. This library provides a macro called serializable inside which the object description should be placed.

For example:

  type Ball = object
    weight: float32
    diameter: int32
    isHollow: bool

In this example you could notice that int32 and float32 declarations are used instead of just int and float. It is necessary to avoid an ambiguity in declarations on different platforms.

The code in example will be transformed into the following code (the resulting code can be seen when -d:debug is passed to Nim compiler):

  Ball = object
    weight: float32
    diameter: int32
    isHollow: bool

proc size(obj: Ball): int =
  result += 4
  result += 4
  result += 1
  result += 0

proc serialize(obj: Ball; thestream: Stream) =
   thestream.writeData(obj.weight.unsafeAddr, 4)
   thestream.writeData(obj.diameter.unsafeAddr, 4)
   thestream.writeData(obj.isHollow.unsafeAddr, 1)
 proc serialize(obj: Ball): string =
   let ss142002 = newStringStream()
   serialize(obj, ss142002)
 proc deserialize(thetype142004: typedesc[Ball]; thestream: Stream): Ball =
   assert(4 ==
       thestream.readData(result.weight.unsafeAddr, 4),
          "Stream was not provided enough data")
   assert(4 ==
       thestream.readData(result.diameter.unsafeAddr, 4),
          "Stream was not provided enough data")
   assert(1 ==
       thestream.readData(result.isHollow.unsafeAddr, 1),
          "Stream was not provided enough data")

As you may see from the code above, the macro generates three kinds of procedures: serializer, deserializer and size estimator. The serialization is being performed in a following way: each memory region of variable is copied to the resulting stream back-to-back. This approach achieves both of smallest serialized object size and independence from the compilator specific object representation.

At the moment the following types of object are supported:

  • Aliases from basic types or previously defined in this block:
    type MyInt = int16
  • Distinct types from basic types or previously defined in this block:
    type MyInt = distinct int16
  • Tuples, objects and arrays:
    type MyTuple = tuple[a: float64, b: int64]
  • Nested objects defined in serializable block:
    type MyNestedObject = object
      a: float64
      b: int64
    type MyObject = object
      a: float32
      b: MyNestedObject
  • Nested arrays and tuples:
    type Matrix = array[0..4, array[0..4, int32]]
  • Sequencies and strings:
    type MySeq = object
      data: seq[string]
  • Null terminated strings (3-byte smaller but slower than strings):
    type NTString = cstring
  • Object variants with nested case statements:
    type Variant = object
      case has_sign: bool
      of true:
        a: int32
        case bits: uint8
        of 32:
          b: uint32
        of 16:
          c: uint16
          d: seq[uint8]
  • Enumerates:
    type Enumerate = enum
      B = "It's B"
      C = (233, "C is here")
      D = 455
  • Sets:
    type CharSet = set[char]

Static types

There is also a special keyword exists for structures which size is known at compile time. The type declarations placed under the static section inside the serializable section will get three key differences from the regular declarations:

  • the size procedure will be receiving typedesc parameter instead of instance of the object and can be used at compile time
  • a new deserialize procedure will be generated that receives a data containers (like a seq[byte] or a string) in addition to receiver closure procedure.
  • any dynamic structures like sequencies or strings will lead to compile time errors (because their size can not be estimated at compile time)

The example above with static section will be look like:

  static :
        Ball = object
          weight: float32
          diameter: int32
          isHollow: bool

And the differeces will occur in following procedures:

proc size(thetype: typedesc[Ball]): int =
  (0 + 4 + 4 + 1)

proc deserialize(thetype: typedesc[Ball];
                data: seq[byte | char | int8 | uint8] | string): Ball =
  assert(data.len >= type(result).size(), "Given sequence should contain at least " &
      $ (type(result).size()) & " bytes!")
  let ss142004 = newStringStream(cast[string](data))
  deserialize(type(result), ss142004)

Serialization options

The serialization process can be controlled via the special syntax {<key>: <value>, <key>: <value>,...}. There are three ways of using this syntax:

  • From invocation to the end of object or another invocation
      type MyType = object
        set: {<options>}
        ... # all fields until the end of object will be affected
        ... # another set: {<options>} can override previous one
  • For converted structure
    toSerializable(TheType, <options>)
    # NOTE: curly braces are not required here
  • For particular field (inline)
      type MyType = object
        typical_field: string
        field_with_special_rules: int32 as {<options>} # inline options
        # NOTE: inline options have highest priority
        another_typical_field: float32

The serialization options themself are described in the paragraphs they are related.

Endianness switching

There is a way exists to set which endian should be used while [de]serialization particular structure or part of the structure. A special keyword endian in serialization options allows to set the endian. E.g.:

  type Ball = object
    weight: float32        # This value will be serialized in *cpuEndian* endian
    set: {endian: bigEndian}
    diameter: int32        # This value will be serialized in big endian regardless of *cpuEndian*
    set: {endian: littleEndian}     # Only "bigEndian" and "littleEndian" values allowed
    color: array[3, int16] # Values in this array will be serialized in little endian

The generated code will use the swapEndian{16|32|64}() calls from the endians module to change endianness.

Converting existent types to serializable

In case when the type to be serialized cannot be rewriten under the serializable macro, there is toSerializable macro exist. The type description given to this macro produces exactly the same effect as the type declaration placed under the serializable macro. Do not forget to make fields of the type visible for serialization procedures generated by using asteriks notation or by including (not importing) module with type declaration. E.g.:

from basic2d import Point2d
# Point2d already have all the fields visible, so including not required
toSerializable(Point2d) # Generation of serialization procedures
include oids # Oid's fields are visible only inside the module, so including is necessary
toSerializable(Point2d, dynamic: false) # The "dynamic: false" option
                                        # is equal to "static:" for
                                        # serializable macro

Customizing seq and string serialization schemas

By default, NESM serializes seq's and string's in a following way:

  1. Serialize the seq or string length as uint32
  2. Serialize the seq or string content as an array[length, type]

In other words seq and string types can be described in following pseudo-code:

  type seq[T] = object
    length: uint32
    data: array[length, T]
  type string = object
    length: uint32
    data: array[length, char]

In some cases this scheme is being not flexible enough, say there is a structure:

  type Matrix = object
    lines: uint32
    columns: uint32
    data: array[lines, array[columns, int32]]

This type is impossible in Nim due to static nature of array type. But how else the seq size may be controlled outside the common scheme? For this case the size keyword exists in serializable options:

  type Matrix = object
    lines: uint32 # the size specifier should be placed before it's usage in the 'size' option
    columns: uint32
    data: seq[seq[int32]] as {size: {}.lines, size: {}.columns}
    # The seq's will be stored like array's but their sizes will be
    # taken from 'lines' and 'columns' fields during deserialization

Note that first 'size' option controls only outer seq, but the second one is related to inner seq. Honestly, any valid expression can be used as argument for the 'size' option. Empty curly braces mean an object itself at the level of invocation. Special case is a double, triple, etc empty curly braces. Take a look at the example:

  type SpecialType = object
    length: uint32 # <- this field will be used as length of subtype.a
    subtype: tuple[length: string, a: seq[int32] as {size: {{}}.length}]

The 'size' options invocation located inside the subtype field, and the only way to use field 'length' from the outer type without affecting inner string 'subtype.length' is the double curly braces notation.

In oposite to size option there is sizeof option with can be used to set particular fields value to length of other periodic value instead of actual one during serialization. The previous example can be rewriten in following way to utilize the sizeof option:

  type SpecialType = object
    length: uint32 as {sizeof: {}.subtype.a}
    subtype: tuple[length: string, a: seq[int32] as {size: {{}}.length}]

Usage of int, float, uint types without size specifier

By default the serializable macro throws an error when the type under the macro contains basic type description without size specification. For example, the following code will cause an error:

  type MyInt = distinct int

To avoid this behaviour one can tell the macro to allow all basic type description without size specification by using -d:allow_undefined_type_size compiler switch. You must avoid to use this switch as far as possible because when the switch enabled the library can not guarantee proper deserialization of objects on devices with different architectures.

Enum correctness checking

NESM is checking enum correctness after deserialization by default. If deserialized value is not one of enum ordinals then the ValueError will be raised. To disable such a behaviour user may use the -d:disableEnumChecks compiler switch.

Future ideas

The following will not necessarily be done but may be realized on demand

  • the data aligning support (useful for reading custom data, not created by this macro. can be partially done at client side via modification of writer/obtainer)
  • implement some dynamic dictonary type (not required actually because it can be easily implemented on client side)


TheType = object
This type will be used as example to show which procedures will be generated by the serializable macro.   Source Edit


proc size(thetype: typedesc[TheType]): int
Returns the size of serialized type. The type should be placed under the static section inside the serializable macro to access this procedure. The procedure could be used at compile time.   Source Edit
proc size(thetype: TheType): int {.
raises: [], tags: []
Returns the size of serialized type. Available for types which declarations is not placed under the static section.   Source Edit
proc serialize(obj: TheType; stream: Stream) {.
raises: [], tags: []
Serializes TheType and writes result to the given stream.   Source Edit
proc serialize(obj: TheType): string {.
raises: [], tags: []
Serializes TheType to string. Underlying implementation uses StringStream and serialize() procedure above. More detailed description can be found in the top level documentation.   Source Edit
proc deserialize(thetype: typedesc[TheType]; stream: Stream): TheType {.
raises: AssertionError
Interprets the data received from the stream as TheType and deserializes it then. When the stream will not provide enough bytes an AssertionError will be raised.   Source Edit
proc deserialize(thetype: typedesc[TheType];
                data: string | seq[byte | char | int8 | uint8]): TheType {.
raises: AssertionError
Interprets given data as serialized TheType and deserializes it then. Only available for types which declarations are placed under the static section. When the data size is lesser than TheType.size, the AssertionError will be raised.   Source Edit
proc serialize[T](obj: T; thestream: Stream)
The non-intrusive serialize proc which allows to perform object serialization without special declaration. The negative side-effect of such approach is inability to pass any options (like endian or dynamic) to the serializer and lack of nested objects support. This proc should be imported directly.   Source Edit
proc deserialize[T](thestream: Stream): T
The non-intrusive deserialize proc which allows to perform object deserialization without special declaration. The negative side-effect of such approach is inability to pass any options (like endian or dynamic) to the serializer and lack of nested objects support. This proc should be imported directly.   Source Edit


macro toSerializable(typedecl: typed; settings: varargs[untyped]): untyped

Generate [de]serialize procedures for existing type with given settings.

Settings should be supplied in the key: value, key:value format.

For example:

toSerializable(TheType, endian: bigEndian, dynamic: false)

Avalible options:

  • endian - set the endian of serialized object
  • dynamic - if set to 'false' then object treated as static
  Source Edit
macro serializable(typedecl: untyped): untyped

The main macro that generates code.


  # Type declaration
  Source Edit